“Listening is the ultimate form of respect, mind and body are one, Authentic kindness matters. Strength replaces pain through healing touch and understanding. We live our best lives serving one another and honoring the balance that creates well-being.”
“I’m delighted to share my lens on healing, treatment and transformation. The really good news is that we are hard wired to heal and healing is constantly happening below the level of our awareness. Issues and challenges can begin before birth and present throughout our lives; ‘this is life”, “this is normal” welcome to the planet! Seeking help merges our will with our innate capacity to improve. Using uniquely integrated modalities and years of experience, my approach builds on the existing strength and potential in each person. Modalities that work with the inseparable mind, body and spirit as one, to promote healing, recovery and transformation from physical or perceived limitations. This is possible throughout our lives (more good news). I hope we have the chance to work together!”

“How exciting to facilitate, accompany and coach clients on their journey; working through physical challenges, healing emotional trauma, clearing embedded beliefs. Let’s work together, beyond perceived limitations to be the best YOU!”
A few years after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina In Occupational Therapy, my experiences in physical rehabilitation fueled my intrigue to fully understand people as a whole integrated system. My journey began over 30 years ago with the study of CranialSacral Therapy, and Ortho-Bionomy, the Oneness Model, and Rapid Resolution Therapy. These systems opened a portal to understanding the depth and capacity of our human design and shaped my approach to healing.
Whether our wounds originate from physical, emotional, psychological or inherited trauma, each system is effected by the other. Negative events in life, beliefs inherited in family systems and or from culture create barriers to healing. My post graduate studies in these sciences enable me to work in a cohesive way, clearing what no longer serves us, and galvanizing our individual intrinsic abilities and strengths toward enduring change.
For over 20 years I have been immersed in the support of families. From pregnancy and postpartum, to providing newborn and infant care, childhood, adolescence, adult to parental coaching. This web thrives when all members thrive and let’s be real, life is full of ongoing tests and challenges.

“When tension patterns and misalignment create stress in the muscular, skeletal and nervous systems challenges are born. Tension and stress manifest in all human forms; babies, pregnant and postpartum bodies included.”
Leigh has worked more than 20 years, with hundreds of babies and moms. While breast feeding beyond question is the perfect welcome for your new baby, the beginning of this journey can be rough. Physical and emotional stresses from birth effect both mom and baby and often create turbulence in the early weeks. Whether your newborn is having issues with latching, you and/or baby are uncomfortable when breastfeeding, Cranial Sacral Therapy and Ortho-Bionomy get to the root of the problem. Using light touch and gentle movement, alignment, tension patterns, and restrictions are assessed and treated. These dynamic hands on modalities stimulate the body’s self-correcting reflexes and balance the rhythm in the cranial sacral system. This allows for both the parasympathic and sympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system to balance and regulate, and the restrictions in muscle and fascial tissues to release. Thus the “fight or flight” branch is better regulated and balanced with the “digest and rest” branch. Noticeable and lasting improvements are often reported during the initial session and generally within three to four visits a mother and baby are well on their way to enjoying a more comfortable and peaceful experience. Treatments for mom and baby are best done in one 2 hour session. If emotional trauma from past or current experiences is interfering with the nursing or bonding relationship Rapid Resolution Therapy and coaching is offered and may be combined with CST and O-B work.
fussy or gassy baby/ colic/reflux torticollis/head turning preference
anklyglossia/lip-tie arching at breast
sleepy baby/failure to thrive painful/poor/or unable to latch
poor sucking rhythm cracked, blistered, bleeding or sore nipples
poor weight gain/ prolonged feeding sessions difficulty with tummy time
excessive crying pregnancy and postpartum:neck and shoulder tension
headaches/migraines SI joint pain
pelvic pain hip/low back pain
trauma release childbirth recovery
coaching on birthing options sleep disturbances

“in a CranialSacral session, seldom does the pressure exceed five grams (the weight of a nickel). Patients will often sleep during a session and report a deep sense of restoring calm with less pain.”
CranialSacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on bodywork treatment that stimulates the body’s capacity to heal. The goal is to release compression in the cranial sacral system and regulate the flow of the fluid system to include connective tissues, spine, sacrum, cranium, membranes, organs and glands. CST is increasingly used as an assessment, corrective and preventive technique and is effective for both adult, teen and pediatric clients. Every session is individualized and adapted to the capacity and need of the patient. Clients rest fully clothed on a massage table, infants may be on the table or in their parent's lap. Children can sit, crawl, walk, stand or play with toys on the floor during treatment.
Migraines Head injury
Scoliosis Back and neck pain
Extremity pain Post dental work
TMJ issues Sciatica
Autisim Learning challenges
Vagus nerve issues Tinnitus
Plagiocephaly Digestive issues
Colic Anklyoglossia
Breastfeeding issues Difficulty taking a deep breath
Sleep disturbances

“By pinpointing the root causes of problems, Rapid Resolution Therapy® works to eliminate negative emotion and destructive behavioral patterns. After a few sessions, inner conflict is resolved and clients experience dramatic improvements in thought, feelings, and behavior.”
Rapid Resolution Therapy uses a multi-level communication approach to resolve the negative effects from painful life experiences. Traumatic events are stored or coded in the subconscious part of our mind. This part of mind generates, emotions, thoughts and sensations and drives, automatic behaviors and habits. It is designed for our survival. Even when we have the awareness that certain habits or behaviors are not to our benefit, unless the unconscious mind is accessed long term change is not likely. Whether these experiences are remembered, repressed or forgotten, RRT changes the way mind processes the experience, releasing the negative associations of difficult past events. This clearing automatically brings possibility and clarity without reliving the past.
Anxiety Post Traumatic Stress
Grief Childhood Trauma
Guilt and shame Low self esteem
Anger and resentment Social Anxiety
Chronic physical pain Fears
“I work with the body, rather than on it with presence and deep listening. Clients experience less pain and more energy with an improved sense of wholeness and wellbeing. ”
The principles of Ortho-Bionomy® are based on a simple and profound philosophy: support the body to correct itself. Rooted in Osteopathy and traditions of energy work, Ortho-Bionomy® uses gentle movements, comfortable positioning, brief compression and light contact. Every session is unique, and requires presence and deep listening to assess not only the primary challenges but the layers and connections holding the pattern and preventing healing. Mirroring the pattern in the physical and energetic system gently stimulates the body’s reflexes for self-correction, change is automatic. This work is subtle yet profound and is especially suited for those who are highly sensitive or have limitations due to injury or illness. It allows patients to participate in their own recovery, restores comfort ease and balance in body, mind and spirit.
Extremity pain/joint pain Back pain
Headaches/migraines TMJ issues
Tinnitus Sciatic pain
Shoulder and neck pain Scar release
Concussion Immobility
Digestive issues Anklyoglossia
Midline tension
Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc.and is used with permission.
Since the beginning, I’ve welcomed and embraced people of different cultures and backgrounds in my practice. During these challenging times, I'm following the COVID 19 statewide guidelines. Virtual sessions continue to be available. Home and office appointments will become open as the restrictions allow. Feel free to contact me for updates.
Leigh Muro, OT/R Phone: 845-548-1187
Email: leighmuro@gmail.com Instagram: @leigh_muro